Here is a link to this week’s newsletter:7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)Welcome: to all our visitors, feel free to look around our beautiful church, particularly the St John Ogilvie Chapel & Exhibition.Apologies: the next PPC meeting is WEDNESDAY 26th, not Thursday 27th as had been previously noted. Ash Wednesday: Mass in Keith 9.30am, Buckie 11am, Fochabers 5pm, Buckie 6.30pm. This marks the beginning of Lent and is a day of Fasting and Abstinence. St John Ogilvie Mass: the annual celebration of the Feast of St John Ogilvie will be here on March 8th, with Mass at 2pm, followed by refreshments in the hall. We will be joined by the Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage group who will be fresh/exhausted from the Fishwives walk!Fundraiser: a Quiz Night at Keith Golf Club is being planned on Friday 11th April. Help will be needed on the night, plus donations of raffle prizes. Please speak to Kathleen Foote if you can help at all. In addition to the quiz (teams of 4, cost to be announced) and raffles, there will also be a 100 square which will be on sale in advance of the evening. The prize for the quiz will be £100 cash, so cash donations will be welcome. We also have the postponed Whisky Tasting to look forward to, AND Fr Kingsley is considering a musical evening, inviting his brother priests to join him for a Fundraising Concert – look out for details! This will be a great social event, so even if you are not a confident quizzer, just come along and join in! More details to follow.Finances: please consider when you last increased your contributions to the church, have you kept your donations in line with inflation? Many thanks to all those who are so generous, and especially to the Hall who have made donations to help out, but it is up to each of us individually to consider if we are contributing as fully as we can to our church community, in all aspects, including financially.Last Week: Collection: £334 Attendance: 60Conditions for Obtaining the Jubilee Indulgence During the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, all the faithful, who are truly repentant and free from any affection for sin who are moved by a spirit of charity and who, during the Holy Year, purified through the sacrament of penance and refreshed by Holy Communion, pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, (this prayer for the Pope’s intentions is left to the choice of the individual, but an “Our Father” and a “Hail Mary” are suggested), will be able to obtain from the treasury of the church a plenary indulgence, with remission and forgiveness of all their sins, if they also undertake a pious pilgrimage or a pious visit to any sacred jubilee site. This Jubilee Plenary Indulgence can be also applied in suffrage to the souls in Purgatory.Weekday Mass: The weekday Mass will be on Fridays at 9.30am in the house, preceded by Exposition and Confessions.Prayer Group: : Monday evenings, 7pm in the hall. Contact Elizabeth Danby for information.Tea & coffee in the hall after Sunday Mass. St Thomas’ Church is open each day from 10am to 3pm for private prayer. Please note, the church may not be open on weekdays in the event of severe weather.Pope’s prayer intention for February 2025: For vocations to the priesthoodand religious life: Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ's mission in the priesthood and religious life.Safeguarding: The Parish Safeguarding Coordinator is Elizabeth Danby, and she can be contacted as shown on the Contacts page. The diocesan Safeguarding page can be found at Safeguarding – Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen ( and the text of In God’s Image (V2) is accessed by clicking on FOR THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND AND ALL THOSE IN NEEDFather in Heaven; grant them comfort in their suffering.When they are afraid, give them courage,When afflicted, give them patience, When dejected, afford them hope,And when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Here is a link to this week’s newsletter:7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)Welcome: to all our visitors, feel free to look around our beautiful church, particularly the St John Ogilvie Chapel & Exhibition.Apologies: the next PPC meeting is WEDNESDAY 26th, not Thursday 27th as had been previously noted. Ash Wednesday: Mass in Keith 9.30am, Buckie 11am, Fochabers 5pm, Buckie 6.30pm. This marks the beginning of Lent and is a day of Fasting and Abstinence. St John Ogilvie Mass: the annual celebration of the Feast of St John Ogilvie will be here on March 8th, with Mass at 2pm, followed by refreshments in the hall. We will be joined by the Diocesan Jubilee Pilgrimage group who will be fresh/exhausted from the Fishwives walk!Fundraiser: a Quiz Night at Keith Golf Club is being planned on Friday 11th April. Help will be needed on the night, plus donations of raffle prizes. Please speak to Kathleen Foote if you can help at all. In addition to the quiz (teams of 4, cost to be announced) and raffles, there will also be a 100 square which will be on sale in advance of the evening. The prize for the quiz will be £100 cash, so cash donations will be welcome. We also have the postponed Whisky Tasting to look forward to, AND Fr Kingsley is considering a musical evening, inviting his brother priests to join him for a Fundraising Concert – look out for details! This will be a great social event, so even if you are not a confident quizzer, just come along and join in! More details to follow.Finances: please consider when you last increased your contributions to the church, have you kept your donations in line with inflation? Many thanks to all those who are so generous, and especially to the Hall who have made donations to help out, but it is up to each of us individually to consider if we are contributing as fully as we can to our church community, in all aspects, including financially.Last Week: Collection: £334 Attendance: 60Conditions for Obtaining the Jubilee Indulgence During the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, all the faithful, who are truly repentant and free from any affection for sin who are moved by a spirit of charity and who, during the Holy Year, purified through the sacrament of penance and refreshed by Holy Communion, pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, (this prayer for the Pope’s intentions is left to the choice of the individual, but an “Our Father” and a “Hail Mary” are suggested), will be able to obtain from the treasury of the church a plenary indulgence, with remission and forgiveness of all their sins, if they also undertake a pious pilgrimage or a pious visit to any sacred jubilee site. This Jubilee Plenary Indulgence can be also applied in suffrage to the souls in Purgatory.Weekday Mass: The weekday Mass will be on Fridays at 9.30am in the house, preceded by Exposition and Confessions.Prayer Group: : Monday evenings, 7pm in the hall. Contact Elizabeth Danby for information.Tea & coffee in the hall after Sunday Mass. St Thomas’ Church is open each day from 10am to 3pm for private prayer. Please note, the church may not be open on weekdays in the event of severe weather.Pope’s prayer intention for February 2025: For vocations to the priesthoodand religious life: Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ's mission in the priesthood and religious life.Safeguarding: The Parish Safeguarding Coordinator is Elizabeth Danby, and she can be contacted as shown on the Contacts page. The diocesan Safeguarding page can be found at Safeguarding – Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen ( and the text of In God’s Image (V2) is accessed by clicking on FOR THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND AND ALL THOSE IN NEEDFather in Heaven; grant them comfort in their suffering.When they are afraid, give them courage,When afflicted, give them patience, When dejected, afford them hope,And when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.