© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2013
Here is a link to this week’s newsletter: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) Welcome: to all those visiting us while on holiday, feel free to look around our beautiful church, particularly the St John Ogilvie Chapel & Exhibition. Sacrament of Reconciliation: available on Thursdays during Adoration and on request. Home visits: Fr Peter is available to make home visits on the third Thursday of each month. If you would like him to call, please contact him directly or let Deacon Graeme or your normal Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion know. Last Week:  Collection: £316.70  Attendance: 64 RCIA: Please pray for Wendy & Pauline as they continue their preparations.   Fund raising: If you are a tax payer and have not yet signed up to Gift Aid your donations, please speak to Keith Gray or Ron Smith. The church can be refunded the tax you have paid on your donations, and this makes a sizeable addition in the course of the year.  Please keep thinking about fundraising, our finances are not as healthy as they once were, the costs of heating the church are enormous and recent price rises have eaten into our funds dramatically.  Any little fundraiser is valuable, so feel free! New Lectionary:  thank you for your generosity, we have more than enough to cover the cost of the new lectionary, and it has been ordered, along with some other training & information materials. There are a few other materials which are not yet published, so any extra money will be used in the future to help with those. Prayer Group: Monday evenings, 7pm in the hall. Contact Elizabeth Danby for information. Tea & coffee in the hall after Sunday Mass. St Thomas’ Church is open each day from 9am to 3pm for private prayer. Pope’s prayer intention for July: For the pastoral care of the sick: Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope. Safeguarding: The Parish Safeguarding Coordinator is Elizabeth Danby, and she can be contacted as shown on the Contacts page.  The diocesan Safeguarding page can be found at Safeguarding – Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen (rcda.scot) and the text of In God’s Image (V2) is accessed by clicking on https://www.bcos.org.uk/LinkClick.aspx?link=131&tabid=124&portalid=0&mid=584      PRAYER FOR THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND AND ALL THOSE IN NEED Father in Heaven; grant them comfort in their suffering. When they are afraid, give them courage, When afflicted, give them patience, When dejected, afford them hope, And when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.
St Thomas' Keith adheres to the Privacy Policies as set by the RC Diocese of Aberdeen.
© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2013
Here is a link to this week’s newsletter: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) Welcome: to all those visiting us while on holiday, feel free to look around our beautiful church, particularly the St John Ogilvie Chapel & Exhibition. Sacrament of Reconciliation: available on Thursdays during Adoration and on request. Home visits: Fr Peter is available to make home visits on the third Thursday of each month. If you would like him to call, please contact him directly or let Deacon Graeme or your normal Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion know. Last Week:  Collection: £316.70  Attendance: 64 RCIA: Please pray for Wendy & Pauline as they continue their preparations. Fund raising: If you are a tax payer and have not yet signed up to Gift Aid your donations, please speak to Keith Gray or Ron Smith. The church can be refunded the tax you have paid on your donations, and this makes a sizeable addition in the course of the year.  Please keep thinking about fundraising, our finances are not as healthy as they once were, the costs of heating the church are enormous and recent price rises have eaten into our funds dramatically.  Any little fundraiser is valuable, so feel free! New Lectionary:  thank you for your generosity, we have more than enough to cover the cost of the new lectionary, and it has been ordered, along with some other training & information materials. There are a few other materials which are not yet published, so any extra money will be used in the future to help with those. Prayer Group: Monday evenings, 7pm in the hall. Contact Elizabeth Danby for information. Tea & coffee in the hall after Sunday Mass. St Thomas’ Church is open each day from 9am to 3pm for private prayer. Pope’s prayer intention for July: For the pastoral care of the sick: Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope. Safeguarding: The Parish Safeguarding Coordinator is Elizabeth Danby, and she can be contacted as shown on the Contacts page. The diocesan Safeguarding page can be found at Safeguarding – Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen (rcda.scot) and the text of In God’s Image (V2) is accessed by clicking on https://www.bcos.org.uk/LinkClick.aspx?link=131&tabid=124& portalid=0&mid=584  PRAYER FOR THE SICK & HOUSEBOUND AND ALL THOSE IN NEED Father in Heaven; grant them comfort in their suffering. When they are afraid, give them courage, When afflicted, give them patience, When dejected, afford them hope, And when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.